Killing PLUG softly

Micah DesJardins micahdj at
Wed May 19 00:15:59 MST 2010


I am one hundred percent behind you as always.  During the course of
the last seven years, I have watched many good resources for the linux
community disappear from this mailing list over the petty political
squabbling that bubbles forth from time to time.  Honestly, I'm about
ready to join them.

Most other mailing lists I subscribe to have very strict rules about
not only staying on topic, but on keeping the signal to noise ratio
low, but even the ones that don't have  tendency to self regulate much
better than the PLUG general discussion list does.

If we can't agree to talk about Linux, computers and technology here
and leave our political and religious convictions out of it, then I'm
out.  A post or two, I can overlook, but these off topic debates span
hundreds of messages. With on topic debates averaging less than 10,
the signal to noise ratio is simply an inefficient use of my time.



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