ditching Apple products due to boycotts?

JD Austin jd at twingeckos.com
Tue May 18 18:04:38 MST 2010

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 16:57, Matt Iavarone <matt.iavarone at gmail.com>wrote:

> This is perhaps the most ignorant statement I have ever seen on the
> subject. Do you really believe these people would not rather have had the
> opportunty to come here legally?  Are you really that out of touch with
> reality?
I appreciate your comment but I disagree naturally :)  Sure they'd love to
be US citizens but they choose not to go through the process.

They likely chose to come here illegally because *it's easier*, they didn't
have the money to file the paperwork (whoever lured them here illegally
should have sponsored them and paid it), or fulfill the requirements (such
as speaking English proficiently), or wait to be approved.  It is a slap in
the face to the millions of Mexican Americans that came here legally and
followed the rules *just ask any of them (I have).*

I'm a god father to children in two different such families with extended
branches of non-legal family members.  I've seen this issue from both
sides.  Sure I feel sorry for them and I'd probably do the same thing in
their circumstance but as soon as I was here I'd start the process to become
a legal citizen.  Of the extended families I've seen with 1/2 or more
illegal citizens many of them started out illegal but became legal citizens
in the amnesty in the 80s, others were born here after their parents came
here illegally, and the rest are still breaking the law.

Just the fact that they are here illegally fuels more illegal activity.  The
ones that aren't here legally get fake/stolen IDs and Social security cards
in order to work.  Many join gangs, steal cars, sell drugs, and conduct
other illegal activity to make money.  The ones that have been convicted of
a crime will never be allowed to be US citizens.  That was all in LA but I'm
sure the same thing happens here.  If they had come here legally I doubt
they'd be doing any of that as they're otherwise good people.

It's natural that they don't want this new law enforced; if half of my
family was here illegally I wouldn't want it enforced either.  It's very sad
that many of the people that are here illegally have been here since they
were small children and despite the fact that they were born in Mexico it
would be a foreign country to them if they returned.  If their parents had
become naturalized US citizens they also would be Us citizens as long as
they were under 18.  It's not their fault that their parents brought them
here illegally but it's also doesn't change that they must take measures to
become a legal citizen if they wish to stay here.

I hope enforcement of this new law will prompt many here illegally to become
legal American citizens (I believe they already are doing that) and for
these large political groups currently fighting it to put up the money,
people, and other resources help them through that process.
Think about it for a minute and you'll realize that we actually need more
laws like this to change the status quo and to stop the exploitation of
these great people.

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