ditching Apple products due to boycotts?

Joshua Zeidner jjzeidner at gmail.com
Mon May 17 21:37:56 MST 2010


    We were discussing macro economic trends that effect all linux
developers as well as issues pertaining to Arizona and Linux.  Just because
some deem the issue of illegal aliens to be out of bounds does not mean we
terminate the discussion whenever we arrive at the subject.  Of course some
people don't like it being discussed.  Those are the people who want to
prevent action from being taken.  There are some of these people on this
thread.  How can we discuss anything these days without addressing *what is
right in front of our faces every day*!?

    The fact is everyone, this country is in deep doo doo.  It's not a
laughing matter.  Anyone who was at the Sharpton rally will tell you that
these people are violent and they most certainly are un-american.  Our state
is broke, as are many other states.  Our ability to maintain our technology
sector will rely heavily on our ability to stabilize ourselves politically.
 This means *your job*.  It might even be an opportunity to position
ourselves profitably relative to California.  Discussion is absolutely
critical to moving in the right direction.  Don't let people blow the issue
out of proportion or try to turn it into some racial battleground.

    That being said, you may now return to complaining about COX service or
whatever other stuff is 'on topic'.


On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 8:26 PM, Tuna <tuna at supertunaman.com> wrote:

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> I created this ascii art myself, and hereby release it into the public
> domain.
> Congrats, Zeidner.
> Excerpts from Joshua Zeidner's message of Sun May 16 12:54:33 -0700 2010:
> > Hello PLUG,
> >
> >
> >
> >   I am wondering if anyone is switching off Apple products due to the
> recent
> > Los Angeles boycott of Arizona:
> >
> >
> >
> http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2010/05/12/20100512los-angeles-boycott-vo
> > te-over-arizona-immigration-law12-ON.html
> >
> > <
> http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2010/05/12/20100512los-angeles-boycott-v
> > ote-over-arizona-immigration-law12-ON.html>
> >  Hopefully
> > they will choose Linux.
> >
> >
> > -jmz
> >
> --
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