ditching Apple products due to boycotts?

R P Herrold herrold at owlriver.com
Mon May 17 16:16:31 MST 2010

On Mon, 17 May 2010, keith smith wrote:
> Maybe..... What if we were to go into deflation?  Wouldn't that help?

> herrold, earlier:
> This looks like wishful thinking. The outsourcing/offshoring
> genie is out of the bottle, and nothing is going to put it back

Deflation relative to what?  Gold? The CHF? The JPY? The EUR? 
Why should a loss in purchasing power of a unit amount of one 
currency affect non-lockstep linked currencies at all? 
Bretton Woods ended those days

Prediction of the path financial markets will take appear to 
be a multi factor, non-linear problem, with path dependencies.

Anyone saying they _know_ otherwise should be encouraged to 
play against you in a markets simulation where you run a 
true random strategy.  If they can consistently articulate a 
durable strategy that produces above market gains, follow it

What if AZ were the first mover in a economic game where it 
restricted non-documented guest workers and TX and FL 
followed suit, but NM and CA did not.  Where will budget 
and employment crises continue longer?

Opinons are cheap; horse races are held regularly to settle 
differences of opinion as to which of a collection of horses 
can run the fastest.  One problem with the study of economics, 
and behavioural economics, is that there is no 'experimental 
lab'; and 'repeatable starting conditions' repetition of 
history, to settle arguments like this.

-- Russ herrold

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