Need Help With MYSQL InnoDB

Alex Dean alex at
Wed May 5 20:35:54 MST 2010

On May 5, 2010, at 12:13 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

> Alex,
> Thanks for the link. I have no idea how the tables were  
> corrupted......They were created about 9 months ago to define some  
> virtual host, aliases, and users for a postfix email server. Postfix  
> only reads them, and they have not been written to since they were  
> created. I have paper copies, so I will just recreate them by hand.  
> I am not sure how to keep it from happening again.

Have you tried 'REPAIR TABLE virtual_aliases', etc?  The data files  
may be fine, and MySQL may be able to fix whatever is wrong with the  
FRM file for you.  Worth a try if your next step is to drop and  
recreate.  If it doesn't work, you're no worse off than now.  Good  
luck, and let us know how it goes!

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