PLUG Developers meeting May 6th - An Introdiction to The Semantic Web- part 1 of 2

Carl Parrish cparrish at
Mon May 3 13:48:37 MST 2010

Wow wish I was going to be there for that
Ask me about free travel

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed <plug at>
Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 12:55:44 
To: List for Linux development and software engineering discussions.<plug-devel at>; Main PLUG discussion list<plug-discuss at>
Subject: PLUG Developers meeting May 6th - An Introdiction to The Semantic Web
	- part 1 of 2

Thursday's presentation is the first part of an Introduction to The
Semantic Web based on the Allemang & Hendler book: Semantic Web for
the Working Ontologist, effective modeling in RDFS and OWL.

This book is one of the best introductions to semantics, ontologies
and the semantic web and in this presentation, part one of two, you
will become familiar with this field's terminology as well as its
basic technology. The focus is on understanding the tools, the
resources, and the way of thinking that makes the semantic web the
next important step for the Internet[1]. In part two, we will take
these foundations and focus on implementation, how to add elements of
the semantic web to your current Internet assets. Dean Allemang and
Jim Hendler have produced an excellent introduction to the Semantic
Web, which if it is to be as important as many think, will have to be
a Free Semantic Web.

presenter: Ed Nicholson
company: 0x1b, Inc.
title: An Introdiction to The Semantic Web - part 1 of 2

[1]what he said:

PLUGdev meets at UAT in room 203  7PM
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