New in Town and Sinking Fast...

Taylor, Kaia Kaia.Taylor at
Tue Jun 15 13:01:09 MST 2010

try  There are technical positions open in Phoenix.
Send me email off-list if you have specific questions!
Kaia Taylor
DevSA  group  --  tis-dco-devsa - jumpword devsa
<>  desk 602-977-5157 pager
6025785439 at or white pages
S&searchOn=LAST_FIRST_ATTR&searchValue=Taylor, kaia>  All e-mail sent to
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From: plug-discuss-bounces at
[mailto:plug-discuss-bounces at] On Behalf Of Tim
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:23 PM
To: plug-discuss at
Subject: New in Town and Sinking Fast...

Hello Fellow Penguins,

My name is Tim Bogart.  And I'm in need of some friends right now.  I am
a long time Linux supporter and I need some help.

I have been in Phoenix off and on now for the last 14 months.  I have
been out of work for 7 of them.  I have a toshiba laptop that has just
bit the dust.  The hard drive seems to have gone south on me, and the cd
drive hasn't worked since I bought the machine used in South Carolina a
year and a half ago.

I need a machine to stay connected to the web and get a job.  I work
Dice, Careerbuilder, Monster, Indeed and jobfox, but can't do
anything without a computer.

I have very limited funds.  I have a good samaritain who is letting me
sleep on her couch right now and keeping a roof over my head.  Food is
my own responsibility.  So, my life functions are okay, and I am in good
health, and don't need money.  But, without a computer, I'm screwed.

I need somebody to donate a hard drive or a cd-rom to me to get things
working here so I can get on the job boards and find work.  I just don't
have the money to go and get a new hard drive.  Maybe I could do a
network install somehow?  I don't know.  I'm open to suggestions.
Another thing I just found out is that I can't use the computers at the
library without a local library card, and I can't get one of those
without an electric bill or something else to prove to the library that
I am a local person.  Apparently they don't trust the DMV because while
I've been here I have gotten my vehicle registered in Arizona and have
turned my WV drivers license in for an AZ license.  Oh well.

Anyway, if anybody has any ideas or is in a position to help me, please
call me on my cell phone at 281 450 2763.  Any and all suggestions are
welcome.  Oh, and BTW... the lady who is letting me sleep on her couch
has made it clear that using her computer is definately not a permanent
option, so if you have a suggestion, or can  Sending me an
email will result in the suggestion sitting there until I can somehow
get on a computer again.  Maybe somebody out there has enough parts
laying around to cobble something together or help me do it.

Thanks ever so much, everybody.

Tim Bogart

Want to read about a couple of my contributions?

(Yes, I'm the guy who started the OS presence at FOSE in DC.)

I'm also published ...

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