planning IRC mtg tonight

der.hans PLUGd at
Sun Jun 6 15:41:52 MST 2010

moin moin,

tonight in #PLUGaz on freenode at 20:00.

2010Jun06 Agenda

     * task updates?
     * add June east side topic to calendar entry, post to lists
     * add June west side topic to calendar entry, post to lists
     * who can get pizza for west side meeting?
     * keep announcing new east side location, include pizza before the mtg
     * promotion - everyone promote somewhere, list where
     * track what's been posted where
     * ABLEconf 2010 meetings start next Sunday evening
     * Volunteers needed: promo leader; east side mtg organizer; pizza for
west side mtg; LinkedIn announcer; eventification announcer; meetup
announcer; FaceBook announcer


#  Director of Engineering, FonWallet Transaction Solutions, Inc.
#  "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do
#  nothing" -- falsely attributed to Edmund Burke

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