row-based or query-based MySQL log-bins?

der.hans PLUGd at
Mon Jul 26 22:27:50 MST 2010

Am 26. Jul, 2010 schwätzte Alex Dean so:

> On Jul 26, 2010, at 2:11 PM, der.hans wrote:
>> moin moin,
>> Which is better, more reliable, etc?
> I believe neither is 'better'.  Pros & cons for each.  That being said, I 
> have no direct experience with row-based replication, since I haven't been 
> doing production mysql work for a little while.  I'd be inclined to stick 
> with statement-based since it's older and presumably better tested/debugged, 
> but there are some cases where row-based makes sense.
> Looks like as of 5.1.8, you can let the server pick which to use on an 
> as-needed basis.  That sounds pretty snazzy.

Yes. That link led to some interesting reading. Danke!

It turns out we have 5.0 deployed, so we have only statement-based
replication available. I'll use that and add to our policies to move to
mixed-format logging once we move to 5.1.8 or greater.


#  Director of Engineering, FonWallet Transaction Solutions, Inc.
#  <arclight> Delicious red tape, like a Twizzler but flat. And adhesive.

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