Saw this off Slashdot - 200 Linux machine

joe at joe at
Mon Jul 26 09:03:51 MST 2010

Just ordered the new amazingly tiny Lenovo Q150 for $349 (free shipping).

It has 2-gig ram, 250-gig Sata HD and is only 6" x 6" x 1" and extremely
low power consumption with very low heat.  I had thought of getting a
Z-box, but this seems to be even better specs, smaller, and lower cost.

Can't see why this won't be fully satisfactory for all of my needs as my
main computer. Why have a huge box anymore?

Alex last wrote:
> For a headless server, SheevaPlug, Soekris and others build useful
> little devices. FitPC has pretty decent specs, and can be had for
> around $200-$300. That includes a DVI output, which you don't get
> with many other tiny PCs.

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