ot: CMS

Lisa Kachold lisakachold at obnosis.com
Tue Jul 20 17:49:28 MST 2010

I agree with Steven, Drupal is easier to manage, better supported, with
security functions and features that are not available in either Wordpress
or Joomla.  Updates for Drupal are easier (core items), but some of the old
modules are no longer developed or supported.

Drupal was/is the development platform for state, city and governments in
various capacities where the budget does not warrent J2EE.

With an account on GoDaddy. you can play with all of these instantly without
having to do installation engineering; it's point and click.

Some "free hosters" also offer Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal, however you
must pay for the PHP/Mysql and mail, and they don't guarantee uptime.  In
fact, they are down a great deal of the time, depending on who you choose.

I have about 20 websites currently happily surviving in Drupal.   I have
none that survived the Wordpress security fiasco, nor Joomla's simple
complexity for content management.

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Stephen <cryptworks at gmail.com> wrote:

> looking at your site Joomla would be able to plug into your look and
> feel already and simply expand your existing site. it has many skins
> that are a nearly identical layout.
> Drupal should be able to be skinned tot he same look and feel, it i
> think is more flexible and has more capabilities for future expansion.
> and i personally liked it more.
> On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Nadim Hoque <nadimhoque at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hey,
> > So I am a webmaster for an organization and I was thinking of migrating
> from
> > a basic html site to a cms. I really like wordpress so far, but I was
> > wondering about joomla or drupal. The site is asuasce.com, so if you
> want to
> > check it out then you can do so. What I want the site to to so far is
> have
> > different pages (as seen on the site). I also want to make sure that the
> > site looks like the current one with the sparky logo on the upper left
> hand
> > corner. But I am fine keeping up with the current site (which was build
> from
> > the web hosting's basic web editor).
> >
> > --
> > Nadim HoqueNadim Hoque
> > Computer Science
> > The School of Computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering
> > cell: 480-518-6235
> > nadimhoque at gmail.com
> >
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> --
> A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from
> rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.
> Stephen
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