Phoenix KDE SC 4.4 release party -- interested?

Ryan Rix ry at
Fri Jan 29 14:25:29 MST 2010

Hey all,

So, I'm throwing a KDE SC 4.4 release-party/get-together February 20th at the 
Matador Coffee Roasting Company[1], a nice little coffee house on the North 
side of town (32nd St and Union Hills) which has pretty damn good coffee and 
pretty damn good food. It's kind of a small joint though, because I'm not 
overtly sure how many people we would have interested in attending such a get 
together. I need some help probably; I know there are a few KDE users, and 
maybe a contributor or two on the list. I need your halp :D even if you aren't 
a contributor, events like this are a great way to get involved in the KDE 
community and Phoenix LUG as a whole.

Please let me know if you are interested in attending and/or helping out, 
either on list, or offlist. I was hoping that we could have a presentation or 
two (sans projector, if it's at matador) and some demoes.

If Matador isn't up to hosting the event, or we have too many folks, I may 
contact some folks at PVCC across the street from Matador with some dedicated 

I am also thinking of using this to spearhead a stammtische for the North 
side. I know that we have the Tempe and Avondale stammtisches but that's often 
too far a drive for the northerners. Location/date time suggestion for future 
north side get togethers is much appreciated :)

Thanks and best


Ryan Rix
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