Craig White
craigwhite at
Sun Feb 21 23:13:56 MST 2010
On Sun, 2010-02-21 at 21:50 -0700, Paul Mooring wrote:
> I'd just like to point out that ruby was originally intended to be a
> replacement for perl, primarily focused on being used for sys admin
> type scripting, not a web language. I for one love ruby and do
> essentially no web programming, I just can't live without the binding
> operator ( ~= ) and perl's regular expressions, but love ruby's syntax
> ( and who wouldn't love something like '5.times { puts "Ruby is the
> greatest!" }
or code like this (from an irb an interactive ruby session)
>> this_day =
=> Sun, 21 Feb 2010
>> this_day + 3.months
=> Fri, 21 May 2010
>> (this_day + 3.months).beginning_of_month
=> Sat, 01 May 2010
or extending built-in classes...
>> class Float
>> def to_fl(digits)
>> sprintf("%.#{digits}f",self)
>> end
>> end
=> nil
>> test2 = 3.141625
=> 3.141625
>> test2.to_fl(3)
=> "3.142"
or iterating over arrays, etc.
The beauty of ruby is apparent, rails or not. But if you are doing a web
application with rails, you always have the full functionality of ruby.
Whenever something doesn't already exist for rails, you can add ruby
gems and if there isn't a ruby gem, you just write your code.
Then of course, you can simply open an irb and test out a section of
code without having to deal with a web browser, apache etc.
I find myself manipulating data in a db using the irb console rather
than phpmyadmin or mysql shell because it is so much easier to
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