How to stop the deluge of entries in /var/log files?

joe at joe at
Thu Feb 4 18:15:18 MST 2010

> On Thu, 2010-02-04 at 17:31 -0700, joe at wrote:
>> While fixing a 'syslog' problem on one of my systems, I just discovered
>> that on one of my other systems, there has been a deluge of identical
>> (redundant) entries (for two different topics), each going into several
>> different files in /var/log and I can't figure out how or find where to
>> put a stop to it.
>> Here are just a half-dozen example lines of each topic showing that the
>> exact same entry for one going in every single minute 24/7 ... that is
>> 60*24=1440 entries every single day for one and a different schedule for
>> the other.
>> Example #1:
>> Feb  4 04:11:01 localhost crond[3125]: (root) CMD (
>> /usr/share/msec/
>> Feb  4 04:12:01 localhost crond[3134]: (root) CMD (
>> /usr/share/msec/
>> Feb  4 04:13:01 localhost crond[3143]: (root) CMD (
>> /usr/share/msec/
>> Feb  4 04:14:01 localhost crond[3152]: (root) CMD (
>> /usr/share/msec/
>> Feb  4 04:15:01 localhost crond[3161]: (root) CMD (
>> /usr/share/msec/
>> Feb  4 04:16:01 localhost crond[3170]: (root) CMD (
>> /usr/share/msec/
>> Example #2:
>> Feb  4 04:02:11 localhost msec: Wrong permissions of
>> /var/log/lpr/info.4.gz: should be 640
>> Feb  4 04:02:11 localhost msec: Wrong permissions of
>> /var/log/daemons/info.3.gz: should be 640
>> Feb  4 04:02:11 localhost msec: Wrong permissions of
>> /var/log/news/news.notice.3.gz: should be 640
>> Feb  4 04:02:11 localhost msec: Wrong permissions of
>> /etc/rc.d/init.d/avahi-daemon: should be 744
>> Feb  4 04:02:11 localhost msec: Wrong permissions of
>> /var/log/cron/warnings.5.gz: should be 640
>> Feb  4 04:02:11 localhost msec: Wrong permissions of
>> /var/log/cups/error_log: should be 640
>> How can I stop this?
> ----
> fix the problems...
> (fix the permissions...
> chmod 640 /var/log/lpr/*
> chmod 640 /var/log/daemons/*
> chmod 640 /var/log/news/*
> chmod 744 /etc/rc.d/init.d/avahi-daemon
> chmod 640 /var/log/cups/*
> )
> as for Feb  4 04:16:01 localhost crond[3170]: (root) CMD (
> /usr/share/msec/
> I'd probably check with your particular distribution for the recommended
> fix and/or bug report it.
> Craig

Thanks Craig.

Re the permissions item, I neglected to say that the reported files and
directories are already set with the correct permissions, but those claims
of "wrong permissions" keep on coming anyway.

Re the other item, I have searched and searched, but I can't find where
the crond action is being generated.  The problem has not always been
happening, I just discovered that it started at the end of December 09.
And, this problem does not occur on two other systems that have the exact
same distro / same version installed at the same time.

I've searched for and grep'd through every file I could find that has
'cron' or 'crond' and I can't find any reference to ''
and neither 'crontab' (nor any other file I can find has any setting for
every minute.  I find only hourly, daily, weekly, monthly:

01 * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.hourly
02 4 * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.daily
22 4 * * 0 root run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
42 4 1 * * root run-parts /etc/cron.monthly


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