Galaxy Geforce 9500 gt video card?

Technomage Hawke technomage.hawke at
Mon Dec 20 11:52:26 MST 2010

oh man.
actually, that video card should be fully supported under most live c.d.'s.

as for the rest, I have no idea if you are serious or not. to me, it sounds like a very bad blind day (and I have had a few of those).

de N7ZZT
Phoenix Arizona

On Dec 20, 2010, at 8:18 AM, eculbert wrote:

> Anyone used one? Hopefully it works with a live cd. Building up a new system w/o onboard video. Going to install and try today..just curious if it is an ok board, or if someone else non gamer like myself has used it. Nearly blind.. So action games are a no-no. Card games at best. Or something similar like golf that the video does 'its thing' then stops so i can find the cusser, er, cursor and where it went hiding to! Gotten great at slamming that thing into upper left corner and doing small circles till eyes find it.
> Couldn't afford a better..system broke me! Going to run 'hd-less' till at least 1/8, so live here we go! Did that for 1.5 years before with pup. Have 8mb usb for 'keepers'. Now don't tell me to 'install' to usb. Ruined 2 usb sticks so far trying to decipher how. Now system doesn't recognize them at all.
> IF your monitor 'cries' this'll know why! It is sad I tried to build up my own. 
> Had wondered about zif sockets, so took an old dead board and 'played' with it. No question now about the 'sliding' holes/clamps that hold it in. 
> Now where is that grounding strap? 
> .
> 73
> Ed/ke7feg 
> Ah, cooler weather finally! April can wait!!
> Golden Years = Our 'Gold' going to medical care!
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