Best Way to Multi-Boot?

Kevin Fries kfries6 at
Mon Dec 6 09:24:24 MST 2010

On 12/06/2010 03:12 AM, Mike Hoy wrote:
> I need to run Windows and Linux. It has been this way for years. I am
> getting fed up with it to be honest. But this isn't just about going
> between win and nix. I also am compelled to run at least two different
> distro's.
> My solution was to do this:
> HDD1: Ubuntu (for web dev and basically everything I need to get done)
> HDD2: Windows
> HDD3: Storage (for all backups between both 1 and 2 and all multimedia)
If you don't mind a slightly out of the box idea that will work 

I have a buddy of mine that switches OS's all the time, and what he does 
is use a product called ProxmoxVE.  With this setup, Linux is the host, 
but you never use that instance.  It works like VMWare ESX, without all 
those expensive licenses.  Then all your OSes are virtualized.  I have 
run this setup from a server, and had access to Windows & Linux machines 
apleanty when I was doing R&D (I used it to build entire virtual 
networks of Linux and Windows, servers and desktops), but Sean swears 
you can use it to build a virtual desktop also.

May be something to look into...

Kevin Fries

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