OT (slightly): SSL Requirement

Bryan O'Neal Bryan.ONeal at TheONealAndAssociates.com
Fri Aug 13 15:38:41 MST 2010

Yes and no

Ok - here is the quick break down - Authentication and verification
happen at the same time - For the most part the web is IP based - Thus
if I am looking for Jack @ and Jilly @ your
going to confuse the hell out of the  web server that has a cert for

Solution 1: L3 routers with Nat that can address a request for
Jill.mydomain.com and point to the correct internal IP even when Jill,
Jack, and Bob are all pointing to the same external IP

Solution 2: Use different port numbers

Solution 3: Use SNI (Server Name Indications) to have Apache check the
name then pass to the VHost for authentication and verification.

I personally recommend solution 3 but be aware the user will require a
"modern" browser and, in the case of a Mac, a newer OS for this to

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 1:51 PM, Eric Shubert <ejs at shubes.net> wrote:
> I don't necessarily believe everything I see, and would like to check on
> something I read.
> Is the following statement true or false?
> "SSL requires a distinct outbound IP for every distinct certificate
> (different domain name)."
> My understanding is that multiple hosts with distinct certificates could
> coexist behind a NAT'd firewall on a single public address and still provide
> SSL connections via the public address.
> Would someone who's more knowledgeable than I about this care to shed some
> light on the subject?
> --
> -Eric 'shubes'
> ---------------------------------------------------
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