Fresh Ubuntu Installation - Events/0 consumes most of cpu

Technomage_Hawke technomage.hawke at
Fri Aug 13 00:39:56 MST 2010

last I heard, LILO was old tech. Most everyone installing Linux these days uses GRUB. 
its been a very long time since last I used LILO on any system (and it had problems with dual boot systems at times).

you might try 'apt-get install grub' and see if that works for you.

- Eric

On Aug 12, 2010, at 11:43 PM, Eric Cope wrote:

> I looked for /boot/grub/menu.lst
> Then, I tried to run grub, but grub is not currently installed. Is LILO the preferred boot loader? I thought for sure Grub would be...
> Eric

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