September's PLUG HackFest on BackTrack4 (Win a FREE LinuxCon Admission $499.00 value) @10AM at FBC 9/12/09

Lisa Kachold lisakachold at
Fri Sep 11 14:24:59 MST 2009

oin the PLUG Hackfesters for BackTrack4 presentation, the second
Saturday in September 12 @10:00AM!

We will be having a drawing for FREE LinuxCon admission (a $499.00
value). Please don't enter the drawing unless you can attend
Portland's LinuxCon September 20-24.

We will be swiftly going through the presentation materials available
from or
followed by a hands on session or sessions with guided overhead and
group examples. Bring your LiveCD Backtrack4 and laptop!

Session closes at 13:00 this time, in our earlier time slot.

Our volunteers will also be building lab test Accessibility systems
for FBC students.

Watch for the Backtrack4 LinuxGazette October materials which will
be our next HackFest presentation subject - BackTrack4 Wireless.

IDS experts, honeypot builders and network forensics volunteers please
contact us please for behind the scenes fun!


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