Linux losing stability?

Jim March 1.jim.march at
Thu Sep 3 18:15:52 MST 2009

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Lisa Kachold<lisakachold at> wrote:
> What a load of horse puckey!
> Silly, silly, silly, silly!

Well...not entirely.

He uses Network Manager and it's WiFi setup as one example.  And I'm
afraid he's right, or at least he was.  Network Manager 7.x series as
used in Ubuntu Intrepid and Jaunty was a mess.  Debian refused to go
there even in Sid and with good reason.

The "release candidate 8" code found in Karmic is much more solid.

We've also had a period of time lately when the "GUI stack" was in
flux.  Jaunty shipped with badly screwed up Intel drivers for example
- it got about half of the upstream kernel/xorg/mesa/Intel parts it
needed and a VERY good case can be made that it should have been
delayed.  Karmic is yet again going to sort all that out.

HOWEVER, if you don't need the latest and greatest bleeding edge
stuff, it's always been possible to set up a stable system.  In the
Ubuntu family, you went with Hardy.

And that's what he's missing: if you know what to look for, there are
always stable options out there, either Debian or Centos or Ubuntu

The issues he does cite are pretty rapidly getting sorted out in the
"edgier" areas.


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