Fwd: Virtual Dedicated Hosting Recommendations

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Mon Oct 19 13:57:16 MST 2009

From: Josef Lowder <joe at actionline.com>
> I don't know the difference between "virtual dedicated" and regular
> web hosting, but I recently switched my web hosting to BlueHost.com
> and it has been excellent.  unlimited *everything* band-width, file
> space, etc. for $142 for 3 years.

This sounds fishy.  Look in the fine print; you probably get a set
amount of bandwidth and disk space, and if you go over that amount,
you get charged $LOTS for "overages" or something.

> 100% US based servers (Utah) and 100% American English tech support.
> What does "virtual dedicated" hosting give you that is better than
> that?

Dedicated hosting means that you have a certain amount of guaranteed
CPU, disk, and bandwidth.  Other users on the same servers can't
affect your stuff[0].  In shared hosting, you share a (large) amount
of CPU, disk, and bandwidth with a bunch of other people.  If one
of those people's sites gets slashdotted, it can affect your stuff.

Why would you need to call tech support for something like this?  OK,
if their console/whatever isn't good, you might have to call in to
have your box/slice reset.

[0] Except in pathological circumstances, or in case of hardware
failure, or all those other things that aren't supposed to happen.

Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog:  http://crow202.org/wordpress/
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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