digital sticky notes for Linux?

Alex Dean alex at
Mon Oct 5 15:00:31 MST 2009

On Oct 6, 2009, at 5:46 AM, Matt Graham wrote:

> From: Josef Lowder <joe at>
>> Is there a digital sticky notes utility for Linux?
>> Ideally, it should allow quickly typing a short note on the command
>> line to be displayed as a *very small* note (about 2" wide by 1"  
>> tall)
>> in a pre-defined spot on one of the multiple desktop/workspaces ...
>> with no title, no menu, no icons, no border, and no other clutter?
> name=`dcop knotes KNotesIface newNote "title" "new note contents"`
> dcop knotes KNotesIface resize $name WIDTH HEIGHT
> dcop knotes KNotesIface showNote $name
> (moving it to a specific virtual desktop probably requires using
> wmctrl, but that's pretty easy.)
> ...however, there will be a title bar on that, and it's sort of
> KDE-specific.  There's a *lot* you can do with dcop.  Finding a
> "notes" program that lacks a title bar will be the hardest part
> of this question, I think.

I like Tomboy for this kind of thing.  They look like OSX Stickies,  
but add a taskbar menu which lets you see all your notes quickly.  It  
supports wiki-like inter-note linking.  I'm not sure Tomboy supports  
the 'enter a note on the command-line' part, but you might be able to  
bash-script your way to happiness using Tomboy as a foundation.
The NoteDirectoryWatcher plugin might be useful : 

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