udev renames ethernet interfaces?

Dazed_75 lthielster at gmail.com
Sat Oct 3 14:56:39 MST 2009

On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Alex Dean <alex at crackpot.org> wrote:

> On Oct 4, 2009, at 3:28 AM, Dazed_75 wrote:
>  ubuntu 9.04 from /var/log/messages
>> ifserver kernel: [    9.611230] udev: renamed network interface eth0 to
>> eth1
>> BTW, this is the ethernet port on the motherboard.  I assume that it was
>> originally known as eth0.  But when a PCI ethernet card was added, I was
>> surprised to see it listed as eth0 and the motherboard as eth1.  Apparently
>> now that the machine is back to only having the MB ethernet, udev is still
>> wanting to call it eth1.  Probably a better idea than trying to find and fix
>> all references to eth0 and eth1.
> I'm not sure if you're using NetworkManager or configuring your own
> interfaces.  In NetworkManager, I see how to look up which MAC address is
> associated with which ethernet device (eth0, eth1, etc), but I don't see any
> way to set these associations.
> If you're doing your configuration via /etc/network/interfaces, you can add
> a 'hwaddress' stanza in the configuration for either a 'static' or 'dhcp'
> interface.  I think you should be able to use that to control which device
> becomes eth0, eth1, etc.
> alex
Sorry Alex,

This was something seen while investigating a different problem and
searching log files for clues.  That discussion was in another thread so you
never saw it.  NetworkManager is running and I am not touching
/etc/network/interfaces.  My question also had nothing to do with the other
discussion, it was just something I was surprised to see.

Dazed_75 a.k.a. Larry

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions,
that I wish it always to be kept alive.
 - Thomas Jefferson
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