OT: nano nitpick (triple negative) (was: Re: OT, ACTA, Secrecy and free software)

Ryan Rix phrkonaleash at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 16:20:14 MST 2009

Vim > Nano

Mike Schwartz wrote:

> OK,
> [0] hard time,
> times
> [1] "not reading"
> is -- "so far" -- a double negative.
> I have no problem (ain't got no un-problem) with lots
> of negatives, but I just think you meant the meaning,
> that goes with an EVEN number of them here.
> So, I think it should be
>> with a grain of salt.
> instead of
> [2]  without a grain of salt.
> because IMHO, [2] makes it a triple negative which -- has
> the meaning 180 degrees from what it should be.
> Don't get me wrong -- a quadruple negative would be fine here.
> Just not an "ODD" number of negatives, since that has
> the meaning off by a "power of minus one"
> from what it should be.
> Just my 0.02 (or, micro 2.0E+4),

Ryan Rix
Fedora KDE SIG Member, Phoenix AZ Ambassador, News KDE Beat Writer

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