OT, ACTA, Secrecy and free software
Ryan Rix
phrkonaleash at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 06:51:30 MST 2009
The **ONLY** source of said leak so far has been one Micheal Geist, with
absolutely no other sources. EVERYTHING links back to him. As such I have a
very hard time not reading this without a grain of salt.
Technomage wrote:
> I found this site
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Counterfeiting_Trade_Agreement) to be
> rather illuminating,
> especially with regard to free software.
> However, this part scares me more than anything:
> "
> United States
> Knowledge Ecology International
> </wiki/Knowledge_Ecology_International> also filed a Freedom of
> Information Act (FOIA)
> </wiki/Freedom_of_Information_Act_%28United_States%29> request in the
> United States but had their entire request denied, with the United State
> Trade Representative's FOIA office stating it was withheld for being
> material "properly classified in the interest of national security."
> However, a recent leak has shown that the Obama administration intends
> to start an undisclosed internet chapter.^[41]" <#cite_note-HuffPo-40>
> ^Comments?
Ryan Rix
Fedora KDE SIG Member, Phoenix AZ Ambassador, News KDE Beat Writer
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