Redirect 301 not working with dynamic URL

keith smith klsmith2020 at
Fri May 22 15:01:29 MST 2009

Hi All,

I'm working on an .htaccess file. 

The problem I have is :

If I set up 

Redirect 301 /index.php?display=contact http://www.domain.tld/contact-us.php

It does not redirect nor do I see an error in the logs.

If I configure it this way it will redirect : 

Redirect 301 /index.php http://www.domain.tld/contact-us.php

By removing the "?display=contact" I get the index.php to redirect to the contact-us.php page.

We have moved from internal dynamic pages to external static pages for several reasons.  The main being SEO.

Any idea why the first example causes no error and does not work either?

Thanks for your help



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