info on a DNS

Kurt Granroth kurt+plug-discuss at
Thu May 21 21:38:30 MST 2009

On 5/21/09 6:23 AM, Lyle Tuttle wrote:
> How about this:  A friend has Cox internet service, but sends so many
> emails they want her to pay for a business connection - way too much $.
> Could she connect to internet, then and send / receive email via these
> servers?

No.  As mentioned earlier, DNS servers are all about translating easy to 
remember domain names to harder to remember IP addresses.  Nothing more.

As far as your friend goes, presumably she is sending her email through 
Cox?  I can't see how they would care or even know about her email 
traffic otherwise.  Get a business account is massive overkill if all 
she needs is the ability to send more email.  I recommend one of two 

1. Sign up with a hosting service that provides unlimited email.  I 
can't recommend any particular one since they are a dime a dozen but 
nearly any would be fine and FAR cheaper than upgrading to the business 


2. Use GMail.  GMail has an open SSL SMTP port that you can use to 
bypass the normal Cox servers.  Free!  You do have to assume that they 
are going to do nefarious things with the email eventually but if she 
was already sending through Cox, then I don't think it'll matter.


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