List of Command Line Tools

Craig White craigwhite at
Sat May 16 20:21:37 MST 2009

On Sat, 2009-05-16 at 19:51 -0700, Matthew A Coulliette wrote:
> Hi all,
> Every once in a while someone mentions that: "they use the command line
> for that", where "that" means almost "anything".  Example: someone just
> mentioned that they use the command line for email.  I was wondering if
> people that use the command line a lot could list a few of the programs
> they use and what they are used for.  Example: Irssi: instant messenger
> for irc channels.  Thanks.
I recognize that you are a top-post guy but that doesn't mean that it's
reasonable to ignore all mail list protocols...

You clicked Reply (to the Yet another PGP thread) instead of just
starting a new thread which means that this topic will be threaded
within that one.

There will be some who don't care but those of us who do use threads in
their mail client find this objectionable as it tends to disintegrate
the whole purpose of using threaded mail clients.



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