How to recover X display? v.1.1

Josef Lowder joe at
Wed Mar 25 09:26:09 MST 2009

On 3/25/09, Matt Graham <danceswithcrows at> wrote:
> You know what all this is saying to me?  "PCLinuxOS is buggy.  Don't
>  use it."  Having a virtualbox install hose X, having LiveCDs lock
>  up on multiple machines, and so forth are things that I just would
>  not put up with.  Life's too short, you know?
>  If you are worried about your /home , the thing to do is to take
>  that USB drive, plug it in, mount it, then "tar czf /mnt/usb/
>  backup.tar.gz /home" , so even if your reinstall eats your /home,
>  you have a backup of everything on that USB drive and can get it
>  retrieved with minimal fuss.  Just make sure there's enough space
>  on the USB drive and it should work fine.

You give very good, helpful, and efficient advice, Matt ...
and I have sincerely appreciated every answer you've given.

I must say, though, that PCLinuxOS is by far the best distro flavor
(to my taste) that I have ever experienced.  The 2007 release has been
rock solid for me for two years on six different computers (until this
virtualbox fiasco).  I've tried many dozens of other distros and none
of them have ever been anywhere near as easy and pleasing to use as
PCL. I've tried a half dozen different releases of Ubuntu and Kubuntu
and they have all been (in my experience) definitely inferior to PCL
-- just very awkward and inefficient (to me).  I realize some of my
preference is probably just due to familiarity -vs- non-familiarity.
But, to me, PCL is just head and shoulders above anything else I've

BTW: I couldn't get an Internet connection to work with the latest
Kubuntu 8.1 on my thinkpad, whereas everything, even wireless, works
"out of the box" on my thinkpad with PCL 2007.

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