OT: Itouch Browser

Kurt Granroth kurt+plug-discuss at granroth.com
Tue Mar 24 22:21:09 MST 2009

Jim wrote:
> My wife is not satisfied with Safari as a browser on her Ipod Touch. 
> Are there any other browsers what will work?

That sort of depends on what your wife doesn't like about MobileSafari.
 See, Apple will not allow any alternative browsers (like Opera or the
upcoming Fennec) on the App Store.  In theory, they could be installed
on a jailbroken Touch or iPhone but in practice, I've never seen any.

There is a loophole to Apple's restrictions, though.  If you use the
Safari WebKit backend, then you can create your own UI for the browser.
 There are already quite a few on the App Store, all with their own
little quirks.  So if it's the UI features that are lacking, then you
could try one of the others.  If it's the underlying "crashes whenever
you go to complex pages" problem or the "can't visit pages with flash"
issue, then there's nothing that can be done.

Here's a brief review of some of the "legal" alternatives:


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