which sound card?

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Fri Mar 13 09:56:51 MST 2009

On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 09:39 -0700, wayne wrote:
> I have run into a issue with my Kubuntu System configuration.
> I play a game called Urban Terror - online.
> I also need to run TEAMSPEAK, a  2-way comm app that works like a party 
> line.
> If I start TS first, i cannot hear the game sounds
> If I start the game first, I cannot leave its window to start TS
> I cannot run both at the same time and i need to.
> What card should  use?  Looking for the most INEXPENSIVE
This sounds more like an alsa problem than a sound card problem as to my
knowledge, alsa will lock out any other software from attaching to the
sound hardware once a program has attached to it. This was the itch that
pulseaudio intended to scratch. Do you have pulseaudio running? Is it
possible to use pulseaudio? Which version of Kubuntu?


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