samba rename bug - solution?

Eric Shubert ejs at
Sat Mar 7 08:17:51 MST 2009

Eric Shubert wrote:
> Craig White wrote:
>> I would suspect that the version isn't as important here as making sure
>> that the filesystem is mounted with extended attributes.
> Here's the pertinent part of my smb.conf:
>          map archive = no
>          map hidden = no
>          map read only = no
>          map system = no
>          store dos attributes = yes
> Here is the fstab entry:
> /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 /          ext3    defaults,user_xattr  1 1
> Any idea what is or might be wrong with the configuration?

Oh, I forgot to mention. I upgraded to 3.0.32 and the symptom persists.

-Eric 'shubes'

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