
Eric Shubert ejs at
Mon Jun 29 16:23:37 MST 2009

Matt Graham wrote:
> From: Eric Shubert <ejs at>
>> Has anyone here implemented any clusters?
> I've only set one up, but I maintain the ones that my predecessors
> set up.  It's not rocket science. 
>> Is any particular distro better or worse at clustering?
> Not really.  Every distro has heartbeat/DRBD/LVS available.
>> Any pointers regarding clustering you'd like to share?
> Define the problem you're trying to solve more rigorously than just
> "clustering" first.  Do you want flailover between 2 boxes?  Do you
> want a frontend box with N service-providing boxes behind it?  The
> answers to that greatly affect what you will end up doing, as does
> the question "What services is this cluster going to provide?"  
> Basically, all I can do is handwave without answers to "what services?"
> and "how many machines?".

I'm talking about a supercomputer sort of thing. Not failover. Not 

A group of machines (let's say 6 for example) acting as a single number 
crunching behemoth. Something that can deliver tens of teraflops.

-Eric 'shubes'

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