Fwd: Meeting Room Application Received

Mike Schwartz schwartz at acm.org
Tue Jun 23 12:51:53 MST 2009

Here is another message, that "looks" kinda like it is from an automated

but the .sig is that of the person (who I guess, runs the robot?)

just FYI...
Mike Schwartz
Glendale  AZ
schwartz at acm.org

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Campbell, Peggy <PJCampbell at glendaleaz.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 7:52 AM
Subject: Meeting Room Application Received
To: schwartz at acm.org

The meeting room application for:

Organization: Association Computer Maintenance (ACM)
Room: Hummingbird Room
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Start: 6:30 PM
Meeting Time: 6:30 PM
Meeting End Time: 9:00 PM
End: 9:00 PM

Has been received and is confirmed.

Please let me know if you have questions or need to make changes.

Thank you,

Peggy J Campbell

Library Assistant II

Foothills Branch Library

(623) 930-3849

pjcampbell at glendaleaz.com

*Knowledge is free at the library - bring your own container.*
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Message scanning was performed by Websense e-mail security software
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