MythTV and Cox HD Digital TV

Shawn Badger badger.shawn at
Sun Jun 21 20:35:52 MST 2009

The Haugpauuge HD PVR works with Linux but I wasn't able to make it work
with Myth (there is money in it for someone that can make it work under

I have used the blackmagic cars int he past  (under another OS) and they are
the best bang for the buck. They just released the linux drivers for the
HDMI card last month, so I haven't had a chance to play with them yet.

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 10:29 AM, Joe <joe at> wrote:

> Is anyone recording HD from their Cox digital converter box? If so, what
> hardware works for you. I can record the un-encrypted channels, but I
> would like to records from the converter box since there are more HD
> channels there. Also friends keep asking me if Myth will work with
> DirectTV and I think it would be the same setup. I tried the firewire
> port, but I cannot get any data from it.
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