Verari 1U New Server Build && Drupal Upgrade for New PLUG Site

Alan Dayley alandd at
Tue Jun 16 07:25:37 MST 2009

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 7:13 AM, Lisa Kachold<lisakachold at> wrote:
> I have build up and burned in the Verari 1U server (under OS specified by
> "the boys" [I would have preferred CentOs 5.3 network build hardened
> kernel]) [it was only failing drive recognition due to no tiny MASTER/SLAVE
> pins].

---[clip good stuff]---

> 1) Vast heartfelt appreciation and respect aka THANKS!
> 2) Good direction/choices!
> 3) Disgression to do what must be done!
> 4) Creative license to make some much needed changes!
> 5) Assistance and buy in from other volunteers!

In my opinion, do whatever you feel appropriate to have a solid,
secure new web site and server.  I don't think there is anything in
the old site that MUST get transfered over.  We can recreate it from
scratch if needed.  Everyone needing a new user created is a bit of a
pain but not a big deal if the work of database transfer is such a
huge pain.

You have my support to do what is best and you have time to do.

> I will bring the Verari 1U <screaming fast> server to be placed into the NOC
> (it's ready) tonight to Stammtiche on Broadway.
> See you there!

I'll be at Ignite Phoenix tonight ( so
enjoy Stammtich for me!


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