Linux Gazette Volunteers

Joey Prestia joey at
Tue Jun 2 10:39:44 MST 2009

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The Linux Gazette is a peer review journal that I write articles for on
Red Hat Linux. They are in desperate need of steady volunteers for this
online monthly magazine. It is a good way to get your name out there in
the world. If anyone is interested their are many jobs available and
most require very little time (a couple hours) once a month.

The job list is at

We need a few volunteers that have a good grammatical background as well
as technical. There is a bit of proofreading that needs done every month
towards month end. I have been writing articles on RHEL for them for
over a year if any one would like to write articles please do so.
We're always looking for authors and volunteers - join us and contribute
to your community!

- - Enough people copyediting so that the loss of one or more volunteers a
  month doesn't lead to a critical shortage. Additionally, more copyeditors
means fewer mistakes make it through, and less burden on any one editor.
*Many* people should be reading each article, and no one should be feeling
pressured to read all the articles unless they wish to. We need more
technical editors to vet articles within their realm of expertise.

- - Someone, or a team of someones, who are in charge of dealing with
  scripting issues as they come up. Ideally this person is able to be
on-call at the end of each month for any emergency coding issues, and it
would be better to have a group available, so that there's no single point
of failure.

- - People who are working on finding new volunteers. In this economy, there
  should be many, many people who are looking to find a way to keep their
professional skills sharp, and their names out in public view. I have
plenty of ideas on what and where, but not enough time and energy to devote
to this effort.

- - More writers. Linux has become a hot item of late, and that means more
  paying venues for the pros.

- - More scouts in general. Is there someone who wants to put out a geeky
  Webcomic, or to get a start in designing crossword puzzles or other
brainbender games for publication?

If anyone is interested please contact me off list.

- --
Joey Prestia RHCE
L. G. Mirror Coordinator
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