Goofed up usb stick again

eculbert eculbert at
Mon Jun 1 08:01:59 MST 2009

Oh, one slight 'problem'. I receive digest mode, please also respond off list direct to eculbert and yahoo dot commerical. (you know the bots cannot copy the above)


ps: Like I said, I mostly just use, not abuse linux and I did know how, but doing something wrong somehow on chmod or such..think there is another one and the way linux 'explains' things in the help files..unless you use it almost daily, it gets confusing.


Ed/ke7feg  ....Now that 'the heat' is here, Hurry up November!

On 2/23/2007 the morse code requirement was dropped for getting 
a ham license. Now just pass the written exams which are on the 
web at for questions and


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