Odd question on DNS/domain name stuff...

James Finstrom jfinstrom at rhinoequipment.com
Mon Jul 13 18:32:18 MST 2009

The referer is not official it is just an http header so most likely
someone spoofing the header

On 7/13/09, Jim March <1.jim.march at gmail.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> I have a friend who runs a website.  Every night he looks at the logs
> and checks to see where people are linking in from - usually
> discussion forums.
> He's got a regular trickle of incoming from a website that doesn't
> seem to exist:
> http://www.alchemistsrroom.us
> Drop one "r" from "rroom" and you do get a valid site, but it involves
> aromatherapy.  His site relates to a high-end handgun sight...that
> would be an odd linkage.
> Something else: I didn't know this, but people who mess around with
> homebrew explosives call themselves "alchemists", so there's obviously
> more of a cross-linked interest THERE than with aromatherapy.
> I've run "whois" searches on "alchemistsrroom.us" plus tried to go to
> the .com, .net, .org, .edu and even .gov versions of the same thing.
> So...first question is, why is this guy's server logs telling him
> links are coming in from a non-existent address?
> Possibly related question: is there a way to mask alchemistsrroom.us
> somehow, possibly by running a non-standard port
> (http://alchemistsrroom.us:8081 or something?)  If so, can we find it,
> and possibly locate an underground bomb-maker's forum or something?
> :)
> Jim
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James Finstrom
Rhino Equipment Corp.
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