Laptop (cell phone) in my pocket?

Ryan Rix phrkonaleash at
Tue Jul 7 08:14:15 MST 2009

kitepilot at wrote:
> I have been talking to the Openmoko mailing list, the very CEO (or something 
> like that) personally answered my questions.
> I did talk to people that have used the phone for months.
> They say it is reliable, flexible, and will take a USB keyboard!   :)
> It is just a embedded Linux puter with phone capabilities.
> And a full blown VGA screen (does anybody here remember CGA?)  ;-) 
> I'm getting a Neo Freerunner...
> Thanks!
> ET 

Can you get me one too? ;)

I think i'll be getting one at the end of summer and putting a TMo 
prepaid card in it. That looks like one heck of a phone. Get a DBoard 
for it too ;)


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