Shell Account

der.hans PLUGd at
Thu Jul 2 13:45:08 MST 2009

Am 02. Jul, 2009 schwätzte Joe so:

moin moin Joe,

Thanks for a calm and helpful response to the thread!

> I assume his plan is to keep the screen session up on a remote machine
> and bounce around to different machines, continuing to log in to the one
> remote machine and restore the screen session. I think we've probably
> all done that, but perhaps we've all been fortunate enough to HAVE the
> remote machine to do it with and he is not.

Yes, he appears to not have a permanent connection to the Internet, which
is why he needs a screen session elsewhere that does. He does mention it
in the original post, but puts it in a way that can be misinterpreted.

> Could he do this from his machine at home? Maybe, but it's also possible
> that, being out of work, he doesn't have broadband access from home
> anymore. Or, maybe his ISP blocks it completely. Could he skirt it?
> Probably, but why break their TOS if someone is kind enough to offer up
> simple shell access for him?
> If you read the entire IRC transcript from the link, you (at least I)
> get the impression that he's trying to help people SECURE their systems,
> not hack in to them. Just because he mentioned cracklib, which clearly
> has a legitimate purpose, you all flew off the handle. Seems kinda silly
> to me...

As he stated in the original post, he's been participating in PLUG for
years. Most of that has been on the IRC channel. In any case, he's not fly
by night for PLUG or many other Free Software groups.

> He asked an honest question, I don't see why everyone saw fit to attack
> him. If you don't want to give him a shell, then don't. 'Nuff said.

He didn't clearly state some of parameters, which led to misinterpretation
of the situation. He also didn't clarify when responding. Still no need
for flying off the handle on anyone's part :).


#  "I interviewed Jonathan Winters once in the late '80s, it was as if he were
#  narrating a hallucination that I didn't see." -- Terry Gross, 03Aug2006

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