Shell Account

Ryan Rix phrkonaleash at
Thu Jul 2 13:24:37 MST 2009

Joe wrote:
> I assume his plan is to keep the screen session up on a remote machine
> and bounce around to different machines, continuing to log in to the one
> remote machine and restore the screen session. I think we've probably
> all done that, but perhaps we've all been fortunate enough to HAVE the
> remote machine to do it with and he is not.
> Could he do this from his machine at home? Maybe, but it's also possible
> that, being out of work, he doesn't have broadband access from home
> anymore. Or, maybe his ISP blocks it completely. Could he skirt it?
> Probably, but why break their TOS if someone is kind enough to offer up
> simple shell access for him?
> If you read the entire IRC transcript from the link, you (at least I)
> get the impression that he's trying to help people SECURE their systems,
> not hack in to them. Just because he mentioned cracklib, which clearly
> has a legitimate purpose, you all flew off the handle. Seems kinda silly
> to me...
> He asked an honest question, I don't see why everyone saw fit to attack
> him. If you don't want to give him a shell, then don't. 'Nuff said.


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