TrueCrypt lolwut / Zenwalk Curiousities - HackFest Presentation Invitation

Lisa Kachold lisakachold at
Fri Jan 30 13:20:27 MST 2009

Please contact me if you would like to drag us all through disk notebook encryption benefits, basics and implementation tradeoffs for any distro as a HackFest presenter? | | | (503)754-4452
PLUG HACKFESTS - Second Saturday of Each Month Noon - 3PM

> Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 01:08:16 -0700
> From: tuna at
> To: plug-discuss at
> Subject: TrueCrypt lolwut / Zenwalk Curiousities
> Recently, Lisa has increased my paranoia factor tenfold with her 
> hackfests, prompting me to feel the need to take precautions such as 
> changing passwords, setting what cipher my sshd defaults to, and 
> encrypting the hard drive. I think I may need help with the latter.
> Eventually I'm going to obtain a pile of money suitable for buying a new 
> hard drive (current one is only 20 GB), which I intend to install and 
> use TrueCrypt on.
> I actually installed TrueCrypt on here, but realized after three steps 
> in the wizard I had absolutely no idea what the hell I was doing.
> Perhaps somebody could walk me through the process at a future 
> installfest? Contact me offlist for such arrangements!
> Back on list, anyone use Zenwalk? I hear it's nice, thinking about it 
> for my next distro.
> I want to be able to really learn about Linux, but still have a nice 
> pillow to lay my head on at night.
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