Unable to log in to PLUG web site

Dazed_75 lthielster at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 00:40:05 MST 2009

Attempted to log in to http://plug.phoenix.az.us/ using the login link at
the left and I get user or password not recognized.  So I tried telling it
to reset my password based on my user name (not my email addr) and it did
send me an email with a one-time login link.  The email said I would be
redirected to the page where I should then change the password.  I was NOT
logged in and I was not redirected.  Since the email only gave me the link
and did not contain the newly reset password, I still have no way to log in.

Anyway, its not a big deal as I don't even remember what I would log in to
do.  But it does seem clear the system is broken and needs attention.

Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps, for he is the only animal that
is struck with the difference between what things are and what they ought to
 - William Hazlitt
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