Looking For RAID Hardware/Software Advice

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Mon Jan 19 08:41:48 MST 2009

On Mon, 2009-01-19 at 08:10 -0700, Chipper wrote:
> Doesn't RAID 5 give a little more expandability?  If in the future he 
> wants to add another drive on a RAID 5, he can.  I don't think he could 
> do it with RAID1 or 1+0.
I have never seen hardware that permits that. I can't imagine that being
possible since the redundant striping is done at RAID 5 creation time
and adding another drive would require the entire array to re-stripe the
redundant elements. It may be possible though I suppose. Would I trust
my data to that action? No way.

LVM is expandable. RAID arrays can be added by dropping in more hard
drives and by clever use of LVM, you can probably expand filesystems so
that it is invisible to users.


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