Which Distro

Mike Bushroe mbushroe at gmail.com
Mon Jan 12 10:00:22 MST 2009

I have not yet attempted booting the old SuSe system and uploading the
boot log file to see if anyone can spot the problems yet, but I have
been downloading LiveCD versions of several distros and I have a new

I have tried the Unbuntu LiveCD (desktop) and accept for the fact that
the LiveCD version occasionally freezes, just like KNoppix does, it
doesn't look to bad. Different from the KDE that I have been used to,
but perhaps not a bad change. Now the question. To LOAD the Unbuntu
onto my system, do I have remove ALL the SuSe files, a few select
files?, create a whole new blank partition for Unbuntu?, or can the
two distros coexist in the same file system and just be picked by Grub
at boot time?


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