****Re: Linux Administration - Users in (any) database howto/why...

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Fri Jan 2 09:13:26 MST 2009

On Fri, 2009-01-02 at 15:55 +0000, Lisa Kachold wrote:
> AD takes care of the Windows side completely to include Domain Admin,
> etc.  OpenLDAP is trivial to configure for this.
> open-likewise simply puts it's own framework over it all.
> I would build up test systems to see what you like, but really LDAP is
> easy once you get the hang of it.
> I have implemented LDAP under Gentoo, and OpenSuse/SLES, as well as
> with single sign on systems under Apache and I love cross platform
> integration - it's the ONLY WAY to go!
I think you have to evaluate what the goal actually is.

FedoraDS is actually capable of synchronizing user accounts with AD
where OpenLDAP is not.

FreeIPA arches even further though some of the features (I think
Policy/Audit) are not implemented in stable release yet. I believe that
the future is FreeIPA.

I haven't looked at Likewise and will refrain from commenting on it.


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