OT:Exchange good? - And the flame wars begin (Was:Re:newhotness?)

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Tue Feb 24 14:19:53 MST 2009

On Tue, 2009-02-24 at 14:04 -0700, JD Austin wrote:

> I got an eee 701.. managed to load XP on an SD card but then Office
> wouldn't install right (kept aborting during install because it didn't
> like where it was installing to).  
> I ended up going to Mandriva.  I chose Mandriva because it supports
> all of the hardware even from the livecd. I run XP in a virtual
> machine when I need it from an external laptop drive.
> It fits in my brief case along with all the cables/etc I need and
> portable DVDRW. I got it to tether to my cell phone to get on the
> internet.  I can't say it's a machine I'd do work on all day unless I
> could plug it into a KVM but it's a GODSEND... 
>From what I can see, a current Linux distribution will likely work well
with many of the netbooks.


That's the Acer Aspire One but I would guess that there are resources
that tell you how to get the best out of an Asus EEPC too.


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