anyone else using Qwest/2-wire DSL service?

Bob Elzer bob.elzer at
Thu Feb 19 12:11:36 MST 2009

I signed up for Price for Life, you sign up for two years, and then you have
the price for life.
After two years, my price went up. I still fighting with them 4 months now.
Everyone I talk to says I should get the lower price, but then they escalate
it and the higher ups who won't talk to me, always reject it.
I may have to find a lawyer for that.
The first time I called about it, they connected me to the retention
department. I swear to god, He told me "The only thing we do hear, is
disconnect people"


From: plug-discuss-bounces at
[mailto:plug-discuss-bounces at] On Behalf Of JD
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 11:32 AM
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: anyone else using Qwest/2-wire DSL service?

I got rid or Qwest a year ago for exactly that reason.
They'd fix my phone lines then DSL would break then they'd fix DSL and mess
up the phone line.  Sometimes they'd fix the line they came to fix but then
break my home phone line.  Finally I just got tired of dealing with them and
dropped DSL and phone service.  
It was annoying when you're demoing phone systems and your phone is

Now I use Wydebeam (wireless point to point), have Vonage for home phone,
and other voip for business.  Latency has never been lower and audio quality
is just fine.  I get letters every month from Qwest begging me to come
back... if they'd worked that hard to keep my business I'd still be using

JD Austin
Twin Geckos Technology Services LLC
jd at

Bill Watterson  - "There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Bob Elzer <bob.elzer at> wrote:

OK, you got me started. First the actiontec is a piece of #$%@$
<mailto:%23$%25@$> . It has a know bug with dns, that has never been fixed.
Dealing with qwest tech is a pain, they will spend at least an hour going
through the simple steps (which is all scripted), before they will escalate
to some second tier. It is hard to get them to admit the problem is on their
I had a problem with the DSLAM one time, and I knew it wasn't on my side,
but they made me jump through hoops, before they finally said it was the
switch. A week later I had the same problem, and they wanted me to jump
through the same hoops, even after I got the second tier, they told me it
wasn't the same problem. Guess what, it was, but it took me 1 1/2 hours to
get them to realize it. turned out to be a failing dslam.
If you're persistent (and have the time), you can get them to resolve your
Can you tell us that you latency is to your first hop. Right now mine is
very high 120ms, I had this before and they fixed it, but I recently started
seeing it again, and it is very bad for gaming.
To get you latency do a traceroute to and it will be the first that it hits.
I can't find anything on the actiontec that will show me the lease times,
but I can tell you I only get a new IP when I reset the modem.
Are you sure, that it is the lease time ?, could the modem be resetting
itself ?, might it be a heat problem ? if that point a fan at it and see if
it lengthens the time.
When it happens are all the lights still on, on the modem ?, if not then I'd
say you are having a problem with the modem.


From: plug-discuss-bounces at
[mailto:plug-discuss-bounces at] On Behalf Of JD
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 5:02 PM
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: anyone else using Qwest/2-wire DSL service?

I remember that I went through a DSL modem every year due to bad lines in my
I had a static IP and it would just drop connection randomly when the modem
was going bad.   If I had a non-static IP it would have done what you're
Your modem might be ready for replacement.
If you complain enough they'll RMA a new one to you/them.

JD Austin
Twin Geckos Technology Services LLC
jd at

George Burns  - "I would go out with women my age, but there are no women my

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 4:56 PM, Charles Jones
<charles.jones at> wrote:

JD Austin wrote: 

I used to have it.  I think there is a 'keep alive' option in the settings
on the 2wire modem (I had an actiontec modem).
If not have the box you're sshing into ping google every minute or two (ping
-c 20 via a cron job.

Sadly that wont do any good as I said I can be ssh into the box and be
typing away at command prompt and my connection drops and I have to wait 60
seconds to get back in and the modem has a new IP.

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