Avondale Stammtische TONIGHT (be there that would be great thx)

Tuna tuna at supertunaman.com
Wed Feb 18 11:13:31 MST 2009

That time again, PLUG.

Avondale stammtisch tonight at Buffalo Wings and Rings, at Dysart and
Thomas. A lovely Google Maps link that lands you facing the restaurant
is up on the PLUG site (click on Free Software Stammtisch (Avondale) on
that "Upcoming Events" thingy to the right).

Oh by the way, does anyone have on of those things where it plugs into a
lightbulb socket and provides power out the other end? If so, please to
be bringing that with you kthx.
Andrew "Tuna" Harris
Hacker, Caffeine-Addict

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